Friday, July 31, 2009

Rachel Ray Cookware!

For those of you who have not read the blog "Nanny Goats in Panties", I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys a lighter, more irreverent look at life in general. I find myself looking forward to seeing the updates of the blogs I follow, but this one is near the top of my favorites. Today, I noticed there had been a new blog entry at NGIP and while I listened to Rachel Ray cooking in the background, I noticed there is a giveaway for Ms. Ray's pots and pans set. Now, I know the whole lottery premonition did not turn out that one time, but I think the fact that Rachel was making Chicken Riggies (chicken Rigatoni) on my television at the exact moment I read about this give-away, that is a sign from, well...... at least the people at Food Network that those pans are meant for me to shimmy-shake while making dinner for the dear hubby. I am a fan of both of the women mentioned in my blog today and look forward to posting a blog announcing my win! I do hereby promise that once I win these tools of the godesses, I will make a huge batch of Chicken Riggies, take pictures and post it in a blog along with reviews from family members who would only be too happy to brutally honest with my accomplishment, or lack of for anyone interested in how this prize works out for me! I hope you may get an opportunity to visit NGIP. The address is
May everyone have a De-lish day! :)

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, you're so sweet! Thanks for the compliments, I'm so flattered!

    And thanks for posting about the giveaway - good luck in the drawing!
