Sunday, September 13, 2009

Buck Barn (part II)

Okay, the building of the buck barn is taking a wee bit longer than we had expected, but isn't that the way it is with all projects? It was a slow process. Our attempts to pair energy levels with work schedules and the Wyoming weather is interesting to say the least. One thing I can say about Robert is that once he starts working, it nearly takes an act of Congress to get him to stop, that or the promise of a meal. By the time he decides to take a break, I am truly afraid to sit down thinking I may not be able to regain the strength to get back on my feet. This is really my project, my goats, and my request so you would think I might be a little more ambitious but ambition beat foot out of this situation long ago! When we began this project, we took a notebook into to Gillette and started with a list of bare necessities to gain an idea of what this was going to entail. Particle board, trim board, paint, posts, sack crete, ect. began adding up. We priced everything as Robert went over the blue prints in his head, came home and added it all for a grand total. It was less than we had expected but Robert reassured me that there are always hidden costs!
Little did I know that someone would help themselves to our tools we left in the main barn. Robert's tool box for barn use is a five gallon bucket that collects all sorts of odds and ends. When we went to the barn for our second day we discovered the entire bucket gone. Now someone ended up with an assortment of nails, screws, fencing staples, tie wire, and pliers but they also ended up with Robert's saws-all. I truly despise someone who thinks they are entitled to something they are unwilling to work for and this is no exception. It shut down our productivity for the day and the loss took the wind out of our sails! I know this isn't what Robert meant by hidden costs, right? On the brighter side of things, all eight goats were fine but none of them were talking, Robert got a new, albeit lesser value reciprocating saw, and finally, the barn work continues. This week Robert goes back to work and I have added two extra days to my work-week and we are still not quite done. We did have a nice break celebrating our 21st Anniversary in the midst of all this chaos this week so there is always something to be thankful for in our lives. The barn will wait and hopefully, the bucks are patient with us. Natasha, seen in the background of this picture, assures us that she will keep a closer eye on this tool bucket for Dad! We'll be attempting to finish up this job this coming weekend. Fingers crossed and good thoughts for us please!

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