Monday, June 15, 2009

Blog award!

First, I would like to say that I did not get an award for being direct and to the point, not that anyone who knows me or has read my blog would have believed that for a moment anyway. I know, I have a tendency be a little long-winded. With that being said, my gift of gab has been a extremely useful tool throughout my life, especially with public speaking while part of the high school speech and debate team, journalism class, yearbook and newspaper. See, Mom, I did use my powers for good and not evil! :)
Today, I signed onto get updated on the blogs I follow and was so surprised by a comment left by Jennifer at Goats in the Garden
She has awarded me with a Lovely Blog Award! I thank her not only for making my day for the award but also for her blogs that always make me smile! Jennifer asked with that award to follow a few rules for the people who had been mentioned in the award. So I too, will pass this on to the wonderful blogs I follow!

1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you have newly discovered. I may have to bend the rules a little bit here, with the internet service problems we have had lately I have not been able to read very many new blogs but I will do my best.

Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.

1. Holly at Easy Living the Hard Way
(Holly is the one responsible for my beginning in the blogspot!)

2. Country Girl at Achorn Farm

3. d/iowa at Loess Is More
As you can see, I did not award 15 blogs, but I feel quality vs quantity is most important!! :)

I will continue looking for more blogs. If anyone has any suggestions, please send the links to me! Have a wonderful day and THANKS AGAIN, JENNIFER!!


  1. Thanks so much for the comment and the award. Soooo sweet of you. Loved the story about your son!

  2. thanks for the award! i'm glad my llama story cracked you up! :)
    i LOVE that cute little baby goat below this post.
