Monday, May 25, 2009

No Rain....... No Rainbows!

I awoke to this Memorial Day morning to see the clouds and damp streets. I do enjoy rain for the most part but do have strong distain for the smell of wet goats, chickens and dogs during these storms. The strong distaste I have for this inconvience we seem to experience mostly during the spring would never rival the unconditional love of my dogs, the excitement we have when baby goats are born, or the taste of the fresh eggs in the mornings. After the last few days of rain ranging at times from heavy to a slight drizzle, I would think my legs would be shapely and strong from the workout I get from dragging the ten pounds of mud on the bottom of my shoes around the corral as I do the daily chores. I am sure if anyone was looking this week, he or she may have caught me flexing those thigh legs like a body builder with my critical eye looking for even the slightest bulking of those muscles all to no avail. I will admit, I am one of those who jumps on the scale after 7 1/2 minutes on the treadmill. I do love instant results as do a majority of Americans. We are a culture of no patience and I am as guilty as the next person, but today, I will concentrate on focusing on a more patient approach to my daily happenings, but right now I shall check email and hope the message I have been waiting for has FINALLY arrived! (Very Big Grin) Have a blessed day!

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